Even though National Water Week was at the end of March the topic of water is something that should be talked about continuously. Water is something we all use daily and many of us take advantage of the fact that water is readily available to the majority of us in the GTA. Why should we care about water? Because everyone and everything needs it to survive.
So many people in the world live without water and this is because many governments in many developing countries have capitalized water resources. This has led to many families water less because they can't possibly afford the high prices the government hired companies set.
I'm writing this post because I feel like so many people in all generations overlook this growing crises. Here I provide you with a few organizations that you can support in these pro-water initiatives. Consider clicking on the links and learning for yourself the growing problems of water!
1Drop is a non-profit organization that strives to provide water for everyone on the planet. Check out their cause here!
The Clear Water Initiative is another non-profit that helps to serve Uganda's water crises. Check them out here.
Water for Life is a global organization that strives to improve water availability and cleanliness to numerous countries. Check out their projects on their website here!
Here's a documentary about the growing water crises in South and North America, take a look it's incredibly informative... A World Without Water: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egtKx24dat8
Sustainably Yours,