Spring Cleaning!


Most students are probably frantic about studying for their exams, and trust me I'm there with you, but sometimes it's nice to take a break or two just to de-stress. For me, taking some time to clean and organize my things helps me unwind from all the brain activity that goes on while reading and understanding my notes.

Spring cleaning can be two things: fun or not fun. It's all about how you see it and how you're doing it! Here are some tips I've looked up if you're keen on keeping clean this spring season.

Rethink Your Cleaning Products
Instead of buying those expensive cleaning products at your local store, consider purchasing cheaperĀ green products that can clean just as well! Some of these items that make for great sustainable cleaners include white vinegar, baking soda and water (which if you think about it, is free!).

You'll be able to mix vinegar (1/4cup) and water (1quart) to clean glass. Mixing 2 parts of vinegar with 1 part baking soda and 4 parts water make for a great counter top and tile cleaner! For your floors you can combine 4 cups of vinegar with 1 gallon of hot water. If you don't like the smell of vinegar, you can add some lemon/lime juice to the mix!

A Few More Green Tips
With warmer weather approaching (hopefully sooner than later!) consider hang drying your laundry instead of using the dryer! It'll save you a bundle on your energy bills and will have much less of an impact on the environment!


Also, think twice about purchasing single-use cleaning wipes or paper towels! Consider investing in a few reusable microfiber cloths to clean with! With these reusable cloths you'll be able to wash, hang dry and reuse them without adding to the landfill.

Honestly folks, there are way more tricks and tips to help green your spring cleaning! If you have any more ideas or tips of your own feel free to comment or give us a shout on our Facebook page.

Until next time!

Sustainably yours,

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