Interview with Peter Love, Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Environmental Studies

Photo Courtesy of Love Energy Consultants ©2009

As an Environmental Studies major, I had the pleasure of interviewing one of my professors Peter Love, who teaches Environmental Conservation in Ontario (ES/ENVS 4445) and Fundamentals of Energy Efficiency in Canada (ES/ENVS 4401).  Considering I am enrolled in one of his classes, I already had some idea of what Love supported in terms of the environment, which includes a focus on energy.

Love’s background began in the 1960’s being active with Pollution Probe at the University of Toronto, which is a group well-known for being a Canadian organization defining problems and solutions through research in the environment.  His contributions to sustainability also involve being part of the group who created the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) we so frequently use and becoming the first Chief Energy Conservation officer in the province of Ontario.

When I asked what sustainability means to him, Peter Love responded with a quote, “Enough for everyone, forever”.  Love described having the ability to provide for future generations, creating equity, and acknowledging that every individual must be responsible for helping to sustain the capacity of the world defines what sustainability is and should be.

His passion for and knowledge of numerous environmental fields has led him to teaching at York University in the Faculty of Environmental Studies.  As a student myself, I thought it was important to see how vital he thought sustainability was on campus.  After asking him for his thoughts, Love stated that he believes that it is critical for students to learn and understand environmental sustainability which can include issues involving energy, water conservation or waste management.  He hopes that students at York will learn about sustainability and become engaged and active with environmental issues, so that what we learn at York will be with us to form how we live the rest of our lives.

I agree with Love when he continued to discuss how students on campus should be aware of the initiatives going on within Keele campus and that the university could improve on engaging students in helping to make the university more sustainable.  He acknowledged that York has great programs that include the Cogeneration Plant and the process of retrofitting Keele Campus that will help improve energy sustainability on campus.

Love encourages current student leaders to make a difference and mentor the future students of York University. I invite you to become ambassadors of change! Let us know what you believe we should do to improve environmental sustainability at York University and come join our volunteer group the EcoTeam!

Sustainably Yours,